Kathy has lived her life inspired by words. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Life and Wellness Coach, Personal Historian and Writer. She has worked as Marriage and Family Therapist in a hospital setting, out patient clinic's, and private practice for over twenty-eight years. She has been an adjunct professor of Psychology/Sociology at FCCJ and instructor of Children First in Divorce. As a poet she wrote and published Courage Blossoms to encourage people through difficult life transitions. She has written several life histories as a personal historian and writer. Kathy has taught autographical writing and legacy will workshops. She has facilitated on going writing groups. She has been an instructor at Osher Lifelong Learning Inst. since 2014. Education: BA in Elementary Education, University of South Carolina M.Ed Masters of Education Marriage and Family Therapy University of North Florida www. kathleentriebwasser.com kt@kathleentriebwasser.com Facebook: Kathy Triebwasser
May 15, 2020
Cover of Do You Know Me?

Do You Know Me?