Twinkys are a writing group of five women. Kathy, Lucy, Mary, and Tish all met at an Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of North Florida while taking a poetry writing class. We love the process of writing and sharing it with each other. We created TWINKY in 2011 to continue writing together. Jeannie joined our group in 2013. We have bonded as writers and friends who care and respect each other. Mary created our wonderful name TWINKY. TWINKY is an acronym for Thoughtful Writers Inviting Novel Kindred Yearnings. TWINKY's all share a passion for children, education, environmental science, conservation, and creativity. We all have made the following contributions to Do You Know Me? Poems About the Sea. Tish inspired us to create this book. Her illustrations captured the beauty of sea life in a way we could not have imagined. Jeannie kept our feet to the fire to get it done. Mary motivated all of us to do it with precision and purpose. Lucy her enthusiasm and big smile encouraged us to get over the hurdles. Kathy is the person whose dedication and hard work put it together. Do You Know Me? Poems About the Sea is an invitation for children to yearn and learn about nature. We hope it will inspire learning, laughter and love. Lucy Cortese Jeannie Fredrick Tish Hubbard Kathy Triebwasser Mary Zirakparvar
May 15, 2020
Cover of Do You Know Me?

Do You Know Me?