Hinda Haned became a professor at the University of Amsterdam in 2018, where she researches and develops solutions for best practices for safe and responsible applications of machine learning. Haned is also lead data scientist at Ahold Delhaize since 2015 and principal scientist since 2018. Her activities at Ahold Delhaize involve designing and building solutions to answer business questions with data mining and machine learning techniques. From 2010 to 2015, she worked as a research statistician at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). During her time at NFI, she developed statistical models and open source software to facilitate the interpretation of complex DNA profiles. Haned has published extensively in multiple international peer-reviewed journals in forensic science. In 2014, she was awarded an EU grant to develop open source forensic software and organize educational workshops on the statistical evaluation of forensic DNA evidence. Haned obtained her PhD in Applied Statistics from the University of Lyon, France, in 2010.