Fairy tales dominated Edwina Edwards' early years. Like the fairy tales, life has not always had happy endings, but it has been a series of amazing adventures she can put to use in writing books. An eclectic reader, she is also an eclectic writer-despite strong advice to specialize. She has always been charmed by the idea of being a "Renaissance Woman." Her background revolves around creative writing, editing for writers, always learning new things, occasional acting, copywriting and graphic design-not necessarily in that order. She is also an award-winning portrait painter. Edwina always wondered why people gave up doing so many things they loved when they became "adults," and swore she never would. She still cannot pass by a thrilling slide or resist a swing, but she has given up swinging upside down. These days you will find Edwina-maybe, she likes being a hermit-in California. She lives with two tuxedo cats up to no good, has two swings, a strong interest in alternative healing, and writes tales while watching her organic garden grow.