Dov Zeller fell in love with existential comedy when first introduced to the writing of Grace Paley, Bruno Schulz, and Clarice Lispector (Kafka, Ozick, Svevo, and Agnon). But even before he chanced upon his beloved existential comedians, he was drawn toward fictional characters whose tragic dilemmas were half-created and half-resolved by unlikely loves and pratfalls.
Before getting sick, he struggled to sit still and often read while walking. Now he is an intrepid recliner on a handful of couches and love seats. Though sick with a devastating chronic illness, he is determined to appreciate the ecosystems he comes into contact with. As it turns out, even a small world is full of endless complexity.
Zeller has spent the last eight years in Western Massachusetts where he moved in order to complete an MFA in fiction at Umass, Amherst. He has also lived in San Francisco and Oakland, California, and Brooklyn, NY, and he grew up in eastern Pennsylvania.