Nathan Maynard is an advocate for students. He studied behavioral neuroscience at Purdue University and has been in the field for over eleven years working with at-risk populations. He previously was the Dean of Culture at Purdue Universities first high school, Purdue Polytechnic High School. Nathan also is one of the cofounders of BehaiviorFlip, the first restorative practices behavior management software. He was awarded "Youth Worker of the Year" through dedicating his time with helping underserved and underprivileged youth involved with the juvenile justice system. He has been facilitating restorative practices for over ten years in a wide range of educational settings. Nathan is passionate about addressing the school-to-prison pipeline crisis and closing the achievement gap by implementing trauma-informed behavioral practices. Nathan has expertise in dialectical behavioral coaching, motivational interviewing, positive youth development, restorative justice, and trauma-informed building practices to assist with creating positive school climates.