My name is Bryn Tucker and I am super proud to be the author of Thank You, Father! I am a super goofball-peacemaker-mommy blogger-teacher turned author-daughter of the Most High King. I have been married to my way better half, Scott, for over twenty years and we have five incredible children and one very joyful daughter in love! I have always loved writing. This is definitely a God thing, being that reading has always been a huge struggle for me due to dyslexia. My blog posts are littered with reversals and typos, no doubt! But God. God has used this gift of dyslexia to show me all kinds of cool things in Scripture I otherwise would have missed! I read things wrong all of the time, and yet, it breathes new light on old favorites. I once read, "Behold, I am doing a new thing! Do you not recieve it?" That isn't what it says, lol! It says, "Do you now percieve it?" Oops! But God knew what I needed to see in that moment! I think He is pretty incredible like that! One Saturday morning, a few months back, He woke me up with the words of this book running through my head, over and over. I scribbled them down on the back of some random piece of paper, not wanting to forget. I feel strongly that this message of gratitude is one children need. A message we all need, if we are honest. I pray the book and it's message, bring great blessings to you and your loved ones for countless generations to come!
Apr 30, 2020
Cover of Thank You, Father

Thank You, Father