Michael Bridge-Dickson has been guiding practitioners on their inner journeys since 2004. He has worked with athletes, dancers, seniors, people with reduced mobility, those with special concerns, as well as regular, everyday practitioners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Michael's passion is helping people understand themselves - observing their patterns and habits, the mind revealing itself through the body. As a teacher, Michael uses his keen eye for detail and vision of how those details affect the overall practice over time to structure sequences that help practitioners navigate through their yoga path. Articulate and communicative, Michael strives to reach as many practitioners as possible, showing them how they can benefit from yoga's gifts safely and effectively while finding personal and physical fulfillment. His vision stretches beyond those Michael connects with in classes, inspiring him to delve into writing to share useful information that can reach all who would benefit from his approach. Michael combines his skills as a writer and illustrator to bring you his experience in a way that is clear and accessible so that you get the most out of your practice while integrating and applying helpful principles. Michael Bridge-Dickson yoga@sensasana.com www.sensasana.com
Jan 25, 2018
Cover of Charting Paths

Charting Paths