Before training in Chinese medicine and other 'alternative' therapies, Jonathan had been a farmer's son, a graduate engineer then a Scottish Chartered Accountant. Working as such made him ill so he got treatment from someone who made him better - an acupuncturist. So he began training and acquired qualifications in acupuncture (various kinds), Chinese medicine including herbs, homoeopathy, Bowen technique, biofeedback, biomagnetics, nutrition and much else including Counselling. He is currently (2016) Chair of the Scottish Association of Professional Homoeopaths and Regional Coordinator and Professional Development Lead for the British Acupuncture Council. Now for over 35 years he has treated thousands of people from all backgrounds, young and old. He's now treating third generation patients - the grandchildren of the first ones he saw. People visit him from Scotland, England, Spain, the States, Thailand and many other countries. He responds to health queries from all round the world as people try to make sense of their symptoms and look for ways to get better or to manage their symptoms alongside or without modern medication or treatment. He is happily married with adult children who fortunately have jobs all or most of the time.