Chris P. Bacon is one lucky pig. Born with malformed hind legs, he was taken to a vet with the request that he be euthanized. The veterinarian, Len Lucero, took one look at the little guy who appeared generally happy and healthy and vowed to keep him. Chris went home with Dr. Len and within a matter of weeks became an internet sensation and media darling. This is his first—but certainly not his last—book.Kristina Tracy is a writer, mom, and many other things (wife, gardener, decorator, horseback rider). She lives in Olivenhain, California, with her husband and two children, Ava and Dane. She is the author of nine children's books, written in collaboration with the best-selling authors Louise L. Hay, Deepak Chopra, Christiane Northrup, M.D., Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and Doreen Virtue.