Ric Birch started his career by studying for a law degree at Melbourne University. After three years he had made his reputation as a student theatrical producer and director but left little impression on the legal fraternity apart from producing the Law Revue. His first job was with ABC television where he produced and directed many award-winning variety programs.

In 1981, Ric was asked to produce and direct the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the XII Commonwealth Games held in Brisbane. Following the success of that, Ric has also produced and directed major spectaculars around the world such as the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the Singapore Jubilee Spectacular for the Singapore Government, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the Barcelona Olympic Games and the Ceremonies for the Sydney Olympics in 2000, among many other events.

Ric is currently working on the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy.