DEBORAH EDEN TULL, founder of Mindful Living Revolution, is a Zen meditation and engaged mindfulness teacher, author, activist, deep ecologist, and sustainability educator. Eden spent seven years training as a Buddhist monk and has been teaching dharma for 20 years. Her work has been in The Los Angeles Times, Tricycle, GOOP, and The Ecologist. Eden also teaches The Work That Reconnects created by Joanna Macy, and for UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center. Eden offers retreats and online courses internationally. In 2022 she is launching a 2-year Spiritual Activist Leadership Training program with female Buddhist teachers, Konda Mason, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Pawan Baraj, and Amma Thanasanti. She is the author of Relational Mindfulness (Wisdom 2018) and The Natural Kitchen (Process 2008).