Since joining The Associated Press two years ago, Esther Htusan has relentlessly pursued stories about human rights abuses in Myanmar following a half-century of dictatorship. Her interest in covering Rohingya Muslims was almost unheard of in a country where much of the population _ including local journalists _looked upon members of the long-persecuted minority with disdain. When Htusan joined the investigation into forced labor in Southeast Asia's fishing industry, her compassion and resourcefulness in reporting led to some of the most powerful images the world has seen about modern day slavery: Men in a cage on a remote Indonesian island and interviews with men calling out over the side of their trawler. Some spoke of abuses at the hands of their captains and others begged The AP to tell families back home they were still alive.
Mar 15, 2016
Cover of Fishermen Slaves

Fishermen Slaves