Samuel E. Kirkman Jr. is the oldest living 4-year-old. He graduated from Cooper High in 1980, moved to Fresno California where he and his family lived for 13 years before moving back to Abilene in 2013. With his beautiful wife Melissa, their 2nd son James, (Their 1st born son Ethan is all married off and living in the Caymans!) and his wonderful mother Martha Sue, Sam is delighted to be back in the key city. Sam is a published illustrator having worked on 8 stories for FarFaria, an Intuary co. Children's reading app, a self-published author/illustrator in several anthology works, and many other projects imposable to keep up with. An avid Gardener, Plant nut, Painter, Sculptor, Crafter, Handyman, Crazy man, a raiser of Chickens and eater of their eggs. See more of Sam's work on his website http: //