As a commercial pilot for twenty-three years in Northwestern Ontario, Darlene Harrington's experiences ranged from being the captain of a King Air to writing newsletters for the local flying club and column for the Kenora Daily Miner & News. It was an exciting career with a different adventure every day, at times flying an injured child from a remote location in Canada's far north to Toronto's SickKids Hospital. Now retired from aviation, Darlene is sharing the many stories she has collected, starting with her debut novel. The Berlin Enigma is a memoir based on her father's extraordinary life and heartfelt memories from both world wars, first as a soldier and then as a British spy. Darlene and her spouse, Rob, divide their time between Drayton Valley, Alberta and Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Darlene also enjoys painting, playing piano, gardening, and spending time with friends and family.
Nov 21, 2017
Cover of The Berlin Enigma

The Berlin Enigma