DWAYNE D. GREMLER is professor of Marketing at Bowling Green State University. Dr. Gremler has been teaching Services Marketing courses for almost 30 years and has been identified as having taught more undergraduate classes on this subject during this time than anyone in the United States. He is the recipient of several national teaching awards. In 2015 Dr. Gremler was appointed Distinguished Teaching Professor by the Bowling Green State University Board of Trustees and in 2022 was also appointed as Distinguished Research Professor. Dr. Gremler has been invited to conduct seminars and present research in more than a dozen countries. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters and has received 16 awards for his research. He has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Service Research for nearly a decade and as chair of the American Marketing Association's Services Marketing Special Interest Group. Dr. Gremler is a former Fulbright Scholar, having received a grant from the U.S. government to teach at the University of Maastricht, Netherlands, in spring 2006. In 2014 he received the Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions Award from the AMA's SERVSIG.