Krishna Bhavsar has spent around 10 years working on natural language processing, social media analytics, and text mining in various industry domains such as hospitality, banking, healthcare, and more. He has worked on many different NLP libraries such as Stanford CoreNLP, IBM's SystemText and BigInsights, GATE, and NLTK to solve industry problems related to textual analysis. He has also worked on analyzing social media responses for popular television shows and popular retail brands and products. He has also published a paper on sentiment analysis augmentation techniques in 2010 NAACL. he recently created an NLP pipeline/toolset and open sourced it for public use. Apart from academics and technology, Krishna has a passion for motorcycles and football. In his free time, he likes to travel and explore. He has gone on pan-India road trips on his motorcycle and backpacking trips across most of the countries in South East Asia and Europe.