Lisa Carroll is multi-talented: she acts, sings, writes, composes, and stays on top of marketing trends in the entertainment industry. She is best known for her performance as Dolly Levi in the hit musical Hello, Dolly. She acted as a stand in for star Carol Channing and appeared in numerous episodic television shows including General Hospital. Her most recent TV appearance was on ABC's The Toy Box. Lisa's toys were a big hit with the panel of children judges. As a writer and lyricist, Lisa honed her scripting skills for various PBS programs, and created and produced a children's Christmas Rap album for Capital Records', Rappin Up Christmas. The success of this album led Lisa to develop (for the prestigious toy company, Gund, and others) a series of animated, singing stuffed animals. These plushies, including Hip Hop Hamilton, are both educational and fun. Through all her work, Lisa hopes to deliver the message to children that one can look awesome, be cool, and lead a life that reflects positive qualities. The Big Bad Coronavirus is her first children's book.