Rajkumar Singh born at village Chechar, Distt.Vaishali on 25th December 1958. He started his career as a commissioned lecturer in January 1983 and is at Present University Professor and Head in the University Department of Political Science (BNMU), West Campus, P.G. Centre, Saharsa (Bihar). Having completed M.A. in Political Science, M.A. in History, and LL.B., he did his Ph.D. on 'India's Foreign Policy (March 1977-January 1980)'. He has published eleven books which include Past, Present and Future of Kashmir (2008);1. Global Dimensions of Indo-Nepal Political Relations-Post Independence (2009);2. Relations of NDA and UPA with Neighbours (2010);3. Contemporary India with Controversial Neighbours (2011); 4. Ethnic Politics and LTTE in Sri Lanka (2012) and5. Myth and Reality of Terrorism in South Asia (2013).More than 60 research papers have been published in several national and international journals, apart from successfully guiding about a dozen of research works of academic worth mostly on India's relations with South Asian countries and Indian government and politics.