5 books
Traite Sur L'Art de Faire de Bons Mortiers Et D'En Bien Diriger L'Emploi,
A Manual of Lithography; Clearly Explaining the Whole Art, as Well as All the Accidents That May Happen in Printing, and the Different Methods of AV
Traite Sur L'Art de Faire de Bons Mortiers Et D'En Bien Diriger L'Emploi; Ou Methode Generale Pratique Pour Fabriquer En Tous Pays La Chaux, Les Cimen
A Manual of Lithography; Or, Memoir on the Lithographical Experiments Made in Paris, at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges. Clearly Explaining the Whole Art, as Well as All the Accidents That May Happen in Printing, and the
A Manual of Lithography; Or, Memoir on the Lithographical Experiments Made in Paris, at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges. Clearly Explaining the Whole Art, as Well as All the Accidents That May Happen in Printing, and the Different Methods of Avoidi