Ray Friesen, BTh, BA, MA, is a life-long preacher who has worked at making Ancient Writings relevant in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He has much appreciation for those who may have grown up Christian but now tend toward agnosticism. He is always reading, thinking, asking questions, and learning.

Friesen lives in Swift Current, SK, with Sylvia, his wife of more than forty years. They have two adult daughters, Larissa and Rachelle, both of whom are social activists and, along with their partners, Adam and Sam, regularly challenge, inspire and teach their father. His newest inspiration: Aubrey Diedre, who joined the family in spring, 2019. Friesen is semi-retired. He spent twenty-one years as a pastor in two different Mennonite Church Canada congregations and he continues to operate a mediation practice. For more work by Friesen, see Jump into the Story: The Art of Creative Preaching, published in 2019.