About Adam Buffett Adam Buffett was born in 1983 in New Jersey. Son of a US computer trader. From an early age, Adam became passionate about using PC and applied mathematics. In 2009 he obtained a degree in Business Economics, with a specialization in Business Analytics at University of San Francisco - School of Management. Adam also winning a master trader's championship between economics faculties. In 2011 he founded a company that help people to make good investment and increase theirs earning trought online strategies. Adam Buffett start his carrier of writer with Options trading crash course a perfect book for people that want to start to make investment. Than follow Stock Market Investment for beginners. Adam is very passionate with trading, options trading and is continuing to study and approve new strategies to increase earning and make money, he thinks money is the force that wakes the world up every morning. Now he lives in New York and is working like investor and teach business in different school.