14 books
Tratti psicologici dell'educatore fisico e di altri insegnanti - Un libro di riferimento
Traços Psicológicos do Educador Físico e de Outros Professores - Um Livro de Referência
Traits psychologiques des éducateurs physiques et autres enseignants - Un livre de référence
Psychologische Eigenschaften von Sportlehrern und anderen Lehrern - ein Fachbuch
Gestion des maladies des agrumes
Gestão de Doenças de Citrinos
Management von Zitrusfruchtkrankheiten
Gestione delle malattie degli agrumi
Effects of Interval Training on Biomotor and Physiological Variables
Early Feminist Pioneers, Their Lives, and Their Reform Efforts
Effects of Interval Training on Biomotor Abilities of Male Athletes
Postharvest Management and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables: Instant Notes
Fundamentals of Microprocessor 8085
Signal Processing for High Frequency Characterisation of Liquids