Dr. Ying Ding is an Associate Professor at School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University. Previously, she worked as a senior researcher at the University of Innsbruck, Austria and as a researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and has been involved in various NIH and European-Union funded Semantic Web projects and has published 170+ papers in journals, conferences, and workshops. She is the co-editor of book series Semantic Web Synthesis by Morgan & Claypool Publisher. She is co-author of the book Intelligent Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, and co-author of book chapters in the book Spinning the Semantic Web, published by MIT Press, and Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge Management, published by Wiley. Dr. Ding is on the editorial board of four ISI indexed top journals in Information Science and Semantic Web. Her current research interest areas include social network analysis, Semantic Web, citation analysis, knowledge management, and application of Web Technology.