Bob Reidmuller is a lifelong, hands-on plant geek, beginning from a young age under the tutelage of his grandfather in New Jersey. A family relocation to southern California at the age of 16 offered a plethora of horticultural and botanical experiences and opportunities. Starting a small private nursery based primarily on tropicals, such as staghorn ferns and orchids, led to several years working for Solana Orchids, a large, local producer of orchids for the cut-flower market. This path eventually led to over 25 years (and counting) working for Altman Plants in Vista, California, the nation's largest wholesale producer of cactuses and succulents. With the phenomenal craze of all things succulent and being on staff as resident horticulturist there, he spends a major part of his time offering cultural information on this fascinating plant group to their wholesale and retail customer base nationwide.