My entire career has been spent in the insurance industry. And, having listened to others talk about their occupations, it seems there are many worse places to have worked!Insurance provides an important role in society. It allows individuals and businesses the financial security to take risks without worrying about the adverse impact of a property loss or being sued by others who may allege you were negligent. Think about it. If you had no automobile insurance, would you be willing to jump in your car with no concerns about paying for damages to your car, or for bodily injury to others, if you had to pay for these things out-of-pocket?Also, would you be comfortable manufacturing a product that might cause personal injury to a user if you or your business had to pay for such injury out of your corporate earnings? And what if your corporate earnings were insufficient? A worst-case scenario might involve bankruptcy. But the insurance industry has its shortcomings. In my opinion, many of the problems that exist are the direct result of a lack of understanding about how various segments of the insurance industry work. Consumers and businesses don't know how insurance agents sell insurance, how their insurance policies work or how insurance companies operate. My purpose in writing Inside the Insurance Industry - Third Edition was to provide answers to questions like these. And, while many people's eyes glaze over when the topic of insurance comes up, I believe that you will find this book easy to comprehend and a quick read.