Mortellus is a lineaged Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestex of the Long Island Line. They are presently busy at work on their third book for Llewellyn Worldwide, with the second, The Bones Fall in a Spiral: A Guide to Necromancy and the Magic of Death set to arrive on shelves September 8, 2022. In addition to their role as High Priestex, Mortellus is a Mortician and holds degrees in Design, Education, Fine Arts, and Mortuary Sciences. Their areas of expertise include necromancy, necrobotany, mediumship, and the funerary rites of minority faith groups. They currently reside in Western North Carolina on three acres that doubles as the Covenstead for the Coven of Leaves with their spouse; four-year-old twins; and one really, really ridiculous dog.

You can visit Mortellus online at https: // and https: //