Dr Chen is Chief Surgeon, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Director of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Province Hospital) and deputy director of Department of Thoracic Surgery of the First Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University. Current chairman of the Thoracic Surgery Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Association, chairman-designate of the Thoracic Surgery Branch of Jiangsu Medical Doctor Association, member of the Thoracoscopy Group of the Fourth Chinese Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. He is committed to the surgical treatment of early lung cancer, has completed more than 1,000 cases of thoracoscopic anatomical pulmonary segmentectomy and more than 400 cases of pulmonary subsegmentectomy. Dr Chen was the first to report thoracoscopic pulmonary sub-subsegmentectomy in the world. He was the first in China to propose the concept of "three-dimensional computed tomography bronchography and angiography (3D-CTBA)-guided precise thoracoscopic pulmonary segmentectomy" and devoted himself to promoting precise thoracoscopic pulmonary segmentectomy worldwide.