KUAH Ee Wen is a Senior Manager with the Assurance and Professional Practice Department with Ernst & Young LLP. A Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, Ee Wen holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Manchester and a Bachelor of Accountancy (Second Class Upper Honours) from the Nanyang Technological University. Ee Wen was seconded to the Accounting Standards Council (ASC), the national standard setter of Singapore from January 2011 to 2013. As part of the ASC Secretariat, he was one of the key lead managers spearheading the IFRS Convergence Project for Singapore. Ee Wen has also represented Singapore at international conferences and presented at regional forums hosted by international agencies such as the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Asian Oceania Regional Standards Setters Group (AOSSG) amongst others. Currently, Ee Wen serves as a senior technical manager where he advises on both complex accounting and auditing issues. Ee Wens audit experience spans across listed companies and multinational corporations in various industries in Singapore. His clientele profile includes commodities trading, high-tech manufacturing, real estate, logistics, and shipping companies. Ee Wen was also involved in the Initial Public Offerings of companies in both local and cross-border listing. He has also team-led engagements in performing audits in compliance with Sarbanes Oxley Act Section 404