G.A. Minton has been an ardent fan of horror and sci-fi his entire life. Growing up as an Air Force brat, he's lived in different cities across the U.S., thus allowing him to observe a variety of cultures. When he isn't writing, you can usually find him out on the golf course, chasing after a little white ball. His other hobbies include reading, traveling, fishing, snorkeling, working out, listening to hard rock music, and watching great movies. He has a wife, a son and daughter, and two Bengal cats. Weirdly enough, it was only after G.A. was rear-ended by a drunk driver and suffered a closed-head injury, that he developed a newfound passion for writing (a true story, even though it sounds like a fictitious plot for a horror novel). He pens his novels freestyle, almost in a stream of consciousness, relying on no outlines, formats, or templates for assistance-the narrative is able to flow freely from his imagination, ending up with a storyline that contains an ordered sequence of events. One might surmise that the damaged neurons in his frontal cortex had rearranged themselves into a different pattern, thereby enhancing the creative elements in his brain. Who knows? Stranger things have happened! Currently, G.A. is in the process of completing his second novel, a dark, supernatural tale of horror that takes Good vs. Evil to a whole new level.
Jul 21, 2017
Cover of Antitheus


Jun 6, 2016
Cover of Trisomy XXI

Trisomy XXI