Dean Rosenwald was born and raised in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Throughout his childhood, Dean spent weekends with his father in northeast Philadelphia and weekdays with his mother in the suburbs. He began high school at Lower Moreland Senior High, but ended his senior year of high school as a college student at Montgomery County Community College. Dean then moved to the other side of the state to attend the University of Pittsburgh. As a student at Pitt, Dean spent a year overseas in Spain and became fluent in Spanish. In 2011, he graduated magna cum laude with honors and both a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). As an undergraduate at Pitt, Dean was hired as a staff researcher for the University of Pittsburgh psychology department where he was trained in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS)⎯a system for recognizing facial expression⎯under the mentorship of professor Jeff Cohn. In the Affect Analysis Group, Dean wrote an honors thesis in which he designed and conducted an analysis resulting in novel, significant findings about the behavior of people afflicted with depression and their smiles. This resulted in Dean's first two publications: Social risk and depression: Evidence from manual and automatic facial expression analysis International Conference on Automatic Facial and Gesture Recognition, 2013, and Nonverbal social withdrawal in depression: Evidence from manual and automatic analyses, from the journal Image and Vision Computing, 2014. After undergrad, Dean originally planned to enroll in a PhD program and continue studying human emotion and facial expressions but after working in research for a year, Dean applied to the Joseph M. Katz Graduate MBA Program/MIB (Master of International Business) Dual Degree Program. Dean remained an emotions researcher at the Affect Analysis Group, working part-time while he was a full-time dual master's student. He also found time to compete and win the annual school-wide 2014 Randall Family Big Idea Competition for which Dean and his team SolarCell were awarded $20,000. SolarCell is still in operation today. During grad school, Dean also found the time to conceive of and write most of this book. Now that he completed his book, Dean's primary focus is growing the non-profit he founded in 2017, An Phuc International. Dean was driven to found this nonprofit after he visited Vietnam and befriended children and young adults living with physical deformities from Agent Orange contamination. An Phuc America is aimed at spreading awareness of Agent Orange poisoning rampant throughout Vietnam and making a difference in the lives of survivors. A portion of all sales of this book will be contributed to An Phuc International's cause. Dean now lives in Santa Monica, California where he was able to put the finishing touches on Get In, Get Out, Get Hired. Since 2011, Dean also has been competing as an amateur Muay Thai kickboxer and runs a Muay Thai school in Santa Monica called Santa Monica Striking.