In this universe, Marc Levinthal is a writer and musician who lives in Pasadena, California. In others, he is an astronomer, a symphony orchestra conductor, a supermarket manager, an actor, a homeless guy, and a record producer. But this is the one you got! Marc was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, and moved to the Los Angeles area in the early 1980s to make it in the music business. He ended up doing some cool stuff along the way, such as co-writing the score to the cult movie Valley Girl and the hit single Three Little Pigs for the comedy band Green Jello. A life-long SF, horror and fantasy fan, Marc started to write his own fiction in the early 90s. Along with Ultragoth, Marc's novels include Other Music and The Emerald Burrito of Oz (with John Skipp). His short stories have appeared in Aboriginal Science Fiction, The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction, and several anthologies, including Mondo Zombie and Amazing Stories of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.