69 books
"John Paul Francois Choquette" known as (John, John Paul, Johnny)
"Gonyaw - Gagnon" from the Ancient Family of (Gagnon)
"Boulais", Boulet, Boule, de Boulay, de Bouille - Descendants of Lords
"Rolland Denis Choquette" Entrepreneur, Extraordinaire
"Grifford", Griffard, Greffard, dit Lecocq, Graffard The Noble
"Wells", Welles, de Welles Descendants of Ragemer de Welles
"Fournier" The Noble Family of Languedoc, Normandy, France
"Rushford", Huret dit Rochefort, Huret dit Heurez
"Hicks" Noble family of St. Ewe in Cornwall, England
Family of "Arquette", Arquit, Arcouet Descendants of the
"Chase - Higgins" Ancient Families of England
Wildt, de Wiltz, von Wiltz of the House and Castle
St. John / St. Jean / Laperche / Perche "Counts, Barons, Lords, Knights
"Spaulding / Spalding / de Spalding" Descendants of Kings, Dukes, Counts
"Shaolin" The True "Knights of Heaven" of Ancient China
"Molleur", Mueller, Muller descends from Ancient Counts
"Gervais", dit Gervaise, Denys, Denis, who were Lord Mayors & Bourgeois Elite
"Patoine" Patoile, de L'Arbre of Camhin-en-Pevele, Basienx-Sin
"Tanguay", Tanguy, dit Tanneguy du Chastle, Lords of
"Vancour / Vancourt / de la Court" Descendants of Lords, Knights
"Scorched Earth Tactics" In the Attempted Acquistion of Mcgraw-Hill by American Express
Soldier, Martial Artist & Karate Extraoridinaire "Retired"
"Gustafson" / Brelin / Berlin/ Gustafsson Families of Finland
Lussier, L'Huissier, de Sains, de Valois, who descends from 15 Generations