Petra Ahnert is the creative force behind Beehive Alchemy (, anĀ artisan soap, body care, and home goods business. After a serendipitous meeting with a beekeeper at the library in 2002, Petra soon had a couple hives of her own and extra honey to sell. Since that time, she has sought out ways to make good use of the extra wax, too, often replacing items in her home with ones she can create herself. Eventually, these beeswax-based items made their way into the product line-up for Beehive Alchemy and the projects featured in her book, Beeswax Alchemy.
Aug 21, 2018
Cover of Beehive Alchemy

Beehive Alchemy

Jan 1, 2015
Cover of Beeswax Alchemy

Beeswax Alchemy