In 1987, God called me to walk with pastors and Christian influencers as a catalytic change agent. So, I equip, coach, and mentor pastors to be effective, influential leaders by focusing on their character. Also, I work with congregations and their leaders to regularly, generously, and unconditionally demonstrate the Gospel to those outside the Church. The result is authentic, vulnerable, God-needy leaders who influence their congregations to live like missionaries wherever they are. I've worked with ministers in these Christian denominations: American Baptist, Anglican, Anglican Catholic, Atlantic Baptist, Cavalry Chapel, Christian Church, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Christian Reformed, Church of God (Anderson, IN), Church of God (Cleveland, TN), Episcopal, Evangelical Free, Evangelical Lutheran, Evangelical Presbyterian, Foursquare, Free Methodist, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Nazarene, North American Baptist, Open Bible, Pentecostal Holiness, Presbyterian Church in America, Presbyterian Church USA, Reformed Church in America, Seventh Day Adventist, Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Vineyard, Wesleyan, and many independent churches. A Christ-follower for more than 40 years, I minister from a life experience replete with sorrows and surprises. I hold an M. Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, an MBA from Harvard University, and a B.S. from Purdue University. Since 2000, I've been serving on the reFocusing Team of Novo (formerly Church Resource Ministries). My wife Annie received her Doctorate in Psychology in 2010 and has a private psychology practice specializing in Emotional Transformational Therapy (ETT). We've been married for 40 mostly glorious years and have six adult children.
Jul 28, 2015
Cover of Shift
