Sandy's heart and passion is toward people struggling to find their way in life. They struggle because of low self-esteem and difficult life circumstances. Since she struggled as a young adult, Sandy wants to help those seeking the truth about God, Jesus, and the Bible. She creates Journal Bible Studies and courses for people who were not raised in the church. In her work, Sandy focuses on godly love, above all things. She seeks to help other Christians feel and understand God's love, and to grow their fruit of the spirit. Sandy believes everybody is more than just somebody... Everybody is God's Beloved Child, including YOU, my dear one! The greatest joys in Sandy's life are spending time with her husband, sons, family, and her friends. Sandy loves reading to learn, studying the Bible, photography, and singing praise songs. But, you do not want to hear her tone deaf singing! Sandy earned her Degree of Divinity from the Christian Leaders Institute. She is a certified Biblical Life Coach and holds a Master's Degree in Instructional Design. Sandy is most of all a life-long learner, seeking to grow in Christlikeness every day.