Roy has spent his entire career working on computers. He likes to say he barely missed the vacuum tube computers. He's repaired them, written numerous training manuals about them and spent many years troubleshooting them. He began working for Symantec when they combined all their technical support in a new site in Eugene, Oregon. When they acquired the ACT! program, he was one of the first ACT! support agents. He was already familiar with the ACT! program having used the DOS version at another company.He spent the next 10 years supporting the ACT! program for Symantec, then InterACT Commerce Corporation and finally for Sage Software. By the time he left, he was the lead support agent for ACT ”escalations”. Escalations are the problems that the regular support agents are unable to solve; his job was to solve the “unsolvable.” He also trained new support staff on database field modifications, reports, and synchronization. His expertise in the area of synchronization lead to the Knowledge Base document that he wrote for setting up synchronization, making it possible to synchronize ACT! 3 through 6 reliably. After 10-years in ACT! technical support, he wanted to become an ACT Consultant so he left Sage and joined Karen Fredricks as part of Tech Benders to allows him to do what he loved to do: work with ACT! users! Roy has worked with the ACT reports since ACT! for Windows 2.0 and is known around Sage as the ACT report writer guru. He wrote the 12 new reports that first appeared in ACT 2010/12. In the early part of his career, Roy spent several years working as a technical writer and authored many training and reference manuals. While working in technical supports for Symantec and later Sage, he contributed one or more articles monthly to the Easy ACT! newsletter. This body of work took place over a 7-year period and represented over 100 articles. Most recently he was the Technical Editor for the Dummies books on ACT! Versions 7-11.