Heidi Bosch Romano is an artist who enjoys creating traditional and digital art; nature photography; writing, editing and illustrating books; and designing websites. Heidi's parents were talented artists who encouraged her to draw and paint at an early age. At various well-known animation studios, she learned tips about storytelling, and at a global provider of publishing and educational services, she learned print production: the process of turning rough manuscripts into camera-ready art for professional four-color printing. Between her upbringing and on-the-job training, she's well-suited for her favorite creative endeavor: co-producing with her husband Steve R. Romano, family-oriented books for children, action-adventure stories for middle-grade kids, and sci-fi novels for adults. Heidi feels that every person should do their part to make a positive difference in our world. She adopts unwanted adult pets; she writes to the appropriate groups to alert them of issues that need their attention; she creates websites and writes books to help others deal with life's issues; and she does everything possible to promote peace and understanding.