17 books • 5 series
Shadow Burn
The Wolf's Curse (Reapers Reborn Chronicles, #1)
Possession Obsession (Blue Moon Sacramento, #6)
Monster Haunter (Blue Moon Investigations Sacramento, #5)
Undead Dread (Blue Moon Investigations Sacramento, #4)
Nightmare Scare (Blue Moon Investigations Sacramento, #3)
Doppelganger Danger (Blue Moon Investigations Sacramento, #2)
Voodoo Blues (Blue Moon Investigations Sacramento, #1)
Tempestuous Magic
Shadow Realm (Joseph Hunter, #4)
Shadow Magic (Joseph Hunter, #3)
Shadow Hunter (Joseph Hunter, #2)
Shadow Born (Joseph Hunter, #1)
Mask of Silence (Mask of Silence, #1)
The Demon of Decay
Book of Raziel