Richard Friedman writes about the dangers of global warming and pollution. His first novel, Escape to Canamith debuted at the New York City Green Festival in 2014 and The Two Worlds of Billy Callahan followed in 2015. A Climate Carol and Other Cli-Fi Short Stories, is available as an eBook, paperback, and audiobook, narrated by voice actor Larry Gorman and produced by Findaway Voices in 2018.

Freelance writer and blogger Danny Bloom coined the phrase cli-fi in 2011 and called Richard's short story, A Climate Carol "The best cli-fi short story I have ever read," and "it will be read 100 years from now."

Richard's favorite book is The Lorax, by Dr. Suess.

Richard became a Climate Reality Leader in October 2017 when he trained under former Vice-President Al Gore at The Climate Reality Leadership Corps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Richard hosts an environmental podcast called A Breath of Fresh Earth. Richard hopes to live long enough to see the Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl.