Igor Ataevich Seidov was born in 1960 in the city of Ashkhabad, in today's Independent Republic of Turkmenistan. In 1983, having graduated from a specialized technical college, he went to work as an engineer for a television company in Ashkhabad, but after moving to Russia in 2001, for a television company in Maikop. At the end of the 1980s, the author became fascinated with aviation history, and in particular the participation of the Soviet Air Force and Soviet Air Defense Force in the Korean War. In 1992, he began his literary work, and has since published more than 20 articles in a variety of Russian, Ukrainian, Czech and Spanish aviation journals. In 1998 he published his first book on the Korean air war, Krasnye d'iavoly na 38-I paralleli [Red Devils on the 38th Parallel] with the assistance of the veteran Soviet fighter pilot A.A. German. The book came out in a second, revised edition in 2007. In 2006, the author co-authored with Iurii Sutiagin a biography of the top Soviet ace in the war Nikolai Vasil'evich Sutiagin, an edited version of which was published in English by Pen & Sword in 2009. In 2010, the Russian publisher Russkie Vitiazi published his latest work, Sovetskie acy koreiskoi voiny [Soviet aces of the Korean War]. Today he continues to live and work in the city of Maikop.