Leanne Vogel is a nutrition educator and the founder of Happy Keto Body, the ultimate 12-week online keto program for fat-burning women. She has gained worldwide recognition for her unique “no-limits,” Paleo-friendly approach to the keto lifestyle and is the go-to resource for people looking to achieve health, happiness, and body confidence through a high-fat, low-carb keto diet.

Leanne found keto through her personal struggles with health and weight loss. It transformed her life, and she immediately set out on a path to help others find the same success. With her top-10 health podcast The Keto Diet, she provides motivation, tips, and advice for getting started with keto and overcoming hurdles, along with maintenance plans. Leanne received her Holistic Nutrition Certification in 2007 from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and lives a nomadic life on a sailboat with her husband, Kevin, and their fur child, Coconut. Her recipes and healthy living strategies have been featured in Martha Stewart Living, The Huffington Post, Women’s Health, AgainstAllGrain.com, the Low-Carb Conversations podcast, the Diabetes Summit, and more. For additional information, please visit www.healthfulpursuit.com.