Dennis E. Williams, Ph.D. is Dean of Institutional Assessment, Director of External Programs and Professor of Leadership and Church Ministry at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as Executive Administrator for the North American Professors of Christian Education. Before joining the faculty at Southern Seminary, he was Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Ministries at Denver Seminary. He received the Distinguished Service Award from Southwestern Baptist Religious Education Association and the Distinguished Educator Award from NAPCE in 1998. Kenneth O. Gangel is Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is also Senior Professor of Christian Education. A graduate of Taylor University, Grace Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Concordia Seminary, and the University of Missouri at Kansas City (Ph.D.), Dr. Gangel has written a number of books including 'Leadership for Church Education', 'Competent to Lead', and 'Lessons in Leadership from the Bible'.