Throughout her diverse career from lawyer to working at Hallmark and then in the non-profit humanitarian field, Christy had wanted to write books to touch people's hearts. The Environmental Due Diligence Handbook, a technical guide she co-authored in the early 1990's didn't exactly fit that bill, but then came the Read This...(R) Series. Howard's passion for the series is based on experiences she had both as a daughter and as a mom. Howard loved making unique memories -- involving everything from the Tooth Fairy and magical doll houses to Santa and The Spy Mobile carpool. Yes, the kids even had special glasses and code names. Creating fun and sharing stories bring her joy. So does organizing!Howard and Annie Presley co-authored their first book, Read This...(R) When I'm Dead, by bringing their very different perspectives together. When Howard was 17, her mom was given 6 months to live. That six months turned into more than 40 years, and her mom's effort to pull things together expanded - beyond the initial financial information. Presley brought the opposite perspective to the table as her mother died suddenly when Presley was very young. Their collaboration worked and the guided journal won a 2015 Living Now award.Howard's passion for sharing Read This...(R) On Your Birthday is based on the fun experiences she had as a mom. She wanted a fun, fast, interactive way to capture the best parts of childhood in one book.Read This...(R) On Our Anniversary came about in part because the two friends laughed that while both had thousands of photos over the course of their marriages, neither could remember the timing of events, the specific highlights of each year, or how their relationships grew over time. Read This...(R) About My House is based on similar gaps of information the women needed and wanted to find more easily.Howard is available for public speaking appearances.For more information, visit and follow the Read This...(R) series authors at Read This Guru on Facebook and Instagram and ACE Publishing LLC on LinkedIn.