Daniel Yost began as a sports writer in Portland, Oregon and thought that was his calling for life. Five years later, he transitioned to freelance journalism. After a while, he took a shot at novel writing. When that didn't work, he went to Hollywood and found his true calling, writing and eventually directing motion pictures (see www.cascadeskyfilms.com). One film stands out. Drugstore Cowboy, which he co-wrote, and which won the Independent Spirit Award for its screenplay and also best screenplay from the year by the New York and Los Angeles film critics, the National Society Of Film Critics and PEN West International. Drugstore Cowboy was first a novel, written behind bars by the late James Fogle, a gentle spirit with a wry, perceptive view of human nature who also happened to be a habitual drug thief when out of prison. Yost rewrote the novel (uncredited), established a long-standing correspondence and friendship with Fogle, and helped g