Dr. Nasrin Shah Abushakra, Ph.D. M.S. Serves as a fifth generation cross-cultural liaison, international educator, and an advocate for internal and external peace. She is also the founder of DrNasrine.com, Ambadassor and the cofounder of Haute Social Kama. She serves the global and local communities and is an internationally recognized ambassador of alliance between the Middle East and the Western world. A skillful connector of early adaption strategy and the change makers that have created and enhanced these practices. Dr. Nasrine provides information, advocacy, and programs that bring together these two worlds elegantly, effectively, and in a way that acknowledges the brilliance and beauty of each culture. A true global citizen, Dr. Nasrine grew up in Boston's Back Bay and has since traveled the world-meeting with leaders such as President Clinton, Prime Minister Siniora of Lebanon, and HRH and Vice President of the UAE Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. She also serves on numerous committees dedicated to such causes as reviewing scholarly publications, family business elements, and global understanding. Nasrine holds a Master of Science in Information Systems and a Ph.D. in Technology and Education, once held a professorship at the University of Michigan and served as the Director of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Orientation Program at the U.S. Department of State. She has had her research presented at the MIT LINC Project, World Bank, and the U.S. Department of Education. She is also the Happy Post Project Ambassador to the Middle East, and represented the project at TEDxDubai in November 2011. Nasrine lives between Dubai and Washington D.C. with her husband of more than a decade years and their resilient daughter. A woman with many interests, when not working she can be found whipping up a gourmet meal with fresh, organic ingredients, from her garden or spinning old-skool hip-hop tunes, hosting an elegant party for dignitaries, artists, (and eight year olds!) from around the world.
Mar 17, 2017
Cover of Khadija's Kitchen

Khadija's Kitchen

Feb 12, 2016
Cover of Netiquette
