Douglas Lim and his wife, Cindy, make their home in Los Angeles, Southern California, and have been married for over three decades. They are in the empty-nester chapter of their lives. He considers his faith and family to be most important to him. Doug is inspired by his family and treasures every moment with them-struck by deep humility and gratitude for them in his life. He is a family-oriented Christian author and a freelance writer for several Christian websites and publications. He also teaches religious education, volunteers as a chaplain, and serves in different ministries. He has a degree in Philosophy and completed Master of Biblical Studies coursework in theology and biblical principles.Doug's family has participated in philanthropy and charity giving for many years, moved by God's generosity and care. A portion of the author's royalty from his books will count as almsgiving to support the Dew Drops organization for abandoned orphans in China. The Dew Drops organization is not affiliated with any religious organization. Learn more about the author's books and blog site at http: //