A garage- and estate-sale enthusiast in a diverse, classy community outside Washington, D. C., Suzi Weinert discovered unique merchandise that often revealed unexpected stories. These led to her Garage Sale Mystery Series. Educated and well-traveled, Suzi developed an eye for fi ne things, but years as an Army wife and mother instilled an appetite for bargain-hunting. When living in McLean (near headquarters for the CIA and Homeland Security) she regularly attended sales given by families of politicians, CEOs, diplomats, "spooks" and other influential homeowners in this transient area. Suzi is the wife of a retired Army general and lives near her five children and their sprawling families in northern Virginia. She's a member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime. Her characters will be familiar to the millions who watched the escapades of Jennifer Shannon and her charismatic family in the 15 two-hour movies aired on Hallmark's Movie & Mysteries channel.