The progress of our Human Population has reached astounding heights. Surprisingly, we now find ourselves faced with the possibility of impending destruction and elimination of our World Human Population. Our population, of seven plus billion Humans, is fast outgrowing the ability of our World to support us. The number of problems involved against the continued growth of our Human population appear to be invincible. The problem that we face in the development of a 'saving strategy' is, with the problems involved, we have no easy solutions to propose. It is imperative that we Humans concentrate together Worldwide, in our best efforts to develop a Plan for our Humans Future, and for the successful implementation of this Plan. We cannot afford to postpone our corrective action - we must proceed now! What is needed, is for the best minds Worldwide, to work together in the formulation of the 'saving strategy'. As we consider the current state of our World Human population, we are an imperfect people - striving to be better. Let us hope that a 'saving strategy' can be achieved.