Todd Nyholm is a somatic therapist who, through personal experience, has discovered the undeniable relationship between mind and body. His studies have made him an expert in many types of therapy: from visceral manipulation and craniosacral to acupressure, shiatsu, and reflexology. His Nytality Life Method offers people the solutions they need to live a healthier and happier life. Since 2002, Todd has run a somatic therapy practice and continues his holistic education by maintaining his studies at the renowned South Florida Barral and Upledger Institutes. He helps people get healthier by using the methods learned at the institutes and those he developed himself during his earlier years when searching for answers to his own emotional and physical challenges. In his first book, Ah, Food, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?, Todd shared 14 mental and emotional steps to help understand what sabotages diet, weight, and health goals beyond poor food choices. His actionable and fresh insights to holistic wellness have been featured on How Not to Get Sick and Die, Health Media Now, Wellness Radio, and Food Experience Unplugged, among others. Todd's hobbies include playing guitar and studying foreign languages. He's been a martial arts student most of his life-a sport that has helped him not only lose weight, but also discover focus, enhanced health, and self-confidence. Learn more at